Memberships & Payments

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The Way You Pay Has Changed!
As of September 2023, SCA will no longer be accepting cash payments or payment via PayPal and all students must either pay electronically via bank transfer or our new Membership system via JoinIt.
You will have the option to pay weekly, for those who cannot attend regularly, or monthly for our students who come week in and week out. Everything shall be explained below!

Weekly Payments & Younglings (Plymouth)
Payments can still be made weekly but they are no longer allowed to be made via cash or PayPal. We are accepting bank transfers only for those who do not wish to purchase a membership. Weekly prices are as follows:
Exeter – £13 Weekly
Taunton – £13 Weekly
Plymouth Knights (13yrs +) – £13 Weekly
Plymouth Younglings (6-12yrs) – £10 Weekly

Payments must now be made to:
Mr Kurtis Dyer
Sort: 11-07-84
Acc: 00773809
Ref: ‘Student Name’

**Plymouth Younglings cannot join the membership scheme at this time, but members at Exeter, Taunton and Plymouth Knights can and are encouraged to do so where possible for the best prices available.

Our monthly payment system has been updated and all students are requested to follow the link below to sign up for our new Membership scheme with JoinIt. Memberships come in two tiers and an additional option for Parent/Child pairs whoa ttend regularly. These memberships are designed to help SCA by streamlining our payment system and to save you time and money with recurring, automated payments that you can opt out of at any time.

Classes Only – £50 Monthly The Classes Only membership is just that, you are entitled to attend a single class at any one of our active venues in Exeter, Plymouth and Taunton. This is the most cost effective option, keeping classes at just £12.50 per week on average, in line with our new prices. This membership would suit regular students who attend one class a week normally.

Master Level – £65 Monthly The Master Level membership is the best option for students who want to attend multiple classes and help support SCA ongoing. For the extra cost per month, SCA are giving arranging a few perks for our Master Level members. Average cost is £16.25 per class normally, so for the cost of a large coffee per week, you would be really helping support SCA!
For Master Level Only:
* Free Exclusive Master-Level T-Shirt on sign up.
* Included entry into Tournaments and fundraisers without any extra cost.
* Access to multiple classes per week, unlimited at any active SCA venue.
*Seasonal gifts & More to come in the future…

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