Rules & Expectations ‘Code of Conduct’

This section is constantly under review and subject to change. While updates will be posted as regularly as possible, please check back periodically to avoid missing changes to important rules and expectations.

Rules and Expectations

  1. Company Name and Branding

The operational name of all Saber Combat Academy Ltd. spaces is ‘Saber Combat Academy’ and may be abbreviated to ‘SCA’. Saber Combat Academy Ltd. is not part of a national governing body and takes responsibility of its own organisation, regulation and constitutions. Saber Combat Academy Ltd. is the registered trading name of this company and historic information is available via Companies House.

  • All branding, including but not limited to logos, official designs and artwork associated with Saber Combat Academy Ltd. are the creations of the owner/operator of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. and are owned by Saber Combat Academy Ltd. Use and recreation of any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. branding is not allowed unless direct permission has been given. Misuse of any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. branding will be addressed legally. Misuse includes but is not limited to: recreation of non-official clothing containing the Saber Combat Academy Ltd. branding, altering or editing Saber Combat Academy Ltd. branding, use of branding in non-official Saber Combat Academy Ltd. videos, images or other media.
  1. Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. are:

  • To provide tuition and training in stunt and performance-based combat through various weapon disciplines and syllabus.
  • To promote Saber Combat Academy Ltd. across the South West.
  • To create digital media for the consumption of the community and wider audience.
  • To host competitions and engagements based on stunt and performance combat.
  • To ensure a duty of care to all participants and spectators within Saber Combat Academy Ltd. spaces.
  • To provide a service that is reasonably accessible to everyone.
  • To create and maintain a safe space for everyone.
  1. Membership

Membership is open to anyone interested in promoting, coaching, volunteering or participating in stunt and performance combat regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ability, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion or other beliefs.

  • All members will be subject to the rules and expectations of this document and by joining Saber Combat Academy Ltd. in any operational space, will be deemed to accept these rules and expectations with full understanding.
  • Members will pay class fees as determined by the owner/operator of Saber Combat Academy Ltd.
  • Membership is subject to the adherence to the rules and expectations contained in this document. Failure to comply with all rules and expectations will result in dismissal from Saber Combat Academy Ltd. and all membership barred and cancelled without refund.
  1. Sports Equity

Saber Combat Academy Ltd. is committed to ensuring that equity in incorporated across all aspects of the development of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. as a company and within all Saber Combat Academy Ltd. syllabus. In doing so it acknowledge and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity:

‘Sports equity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It is about changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to everyone in society.’


  • Saber Combat Academy Ltd. respects the rights, dignity and worth of every person and will treat everyone equally within the context of their sport, regardless of age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, ability, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion or other beliefs.
  • Saber Combat Academy Ltd. is committed to everyone having the right to enjoy their sport in an environment free from threat of intimidation, harassment and abuse.
  • All Saber Combat Academy Ltd. members have a responsibility to oppose discriminatory behaviour and promote equality of opportunity with Saber Combat Academy Ltd. operational spaces.
  • Saber Combat Academy Ltd. will deal with an incidence of discriminatory behaviour seriously, according to Saber Combat Academy disciplinary procedures as outlined in this document.
  1. Amendments

Any and all amendments to this document will be made publicly available and notice will be posted on any amendments made to any rules and expectations with the exception to minor edits and corrections to grammar and spelling, as long as the language does not change the intent of any statement therein.

  1. Discipline and Appeals

All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of children and young people will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with Saber Combat Academy Ltd.’s child protection and safe guarding policies and procedures. Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff can be informed of any allegation, report or concerns but all information will be passed to the owner/operator of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. to be taken further, if necessary, in accordance with Saber Combat Academy Ltd.’s safeguarding policies and procedures and in accordance with United Kingdom Law.

  • All complaints regarding behaviour of members should be presented and submitted in writing to the owner/operator of Saber Combat Academy Ltd.
  • All complaints regarding Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff should be presented and submitted in writing to the owner/operator of Saber Combat Academy Ltd.
  • The owner/operator of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. will hear all complaints with seven days of a complaint being submitted in writing. The owner/operator has the power to take appropriate disciplinary actions including the termination of membership.
  • The outcome of any serious complaints made will be submitted to the member who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within seven days of the complaint being heard.
  • There will be the right of appeal to the owner/operator following any disciplinary action being announced. The owner/operator should consider the appeal within fourteen days of the receipt of any appeal.
  • Disciplinary actions that can be taken against members who have received a complaint for a mild breach of the rules and expectations held within this document include but are not limited to:
  • Reminder of the rules and expectations that have been broken and a suggestion on how to correct the issue that caused the complaint.
  • A warning given that any repeat of this breach will be elevated to a serious breach and acted upon as such.
  • The member against whom a complaint has been made may be put on probation and their behaviour and conduct closely observed for an agreed upon amount of time to avoid repeat incidents.
  • Separation of members whom cannot coalesce amicably without the need to remove either party.
    • Disciplinary action that can be taken against members who have received a complaint for a serious breach of the rules and expectations held within this document include but are not limited to:
  • Confiscation of their weapon if they are deemed to be a danger to any other member.
  • Removal from classes until the complaint has been resolved.
  • Permanent dismissal from all Saber Combat Academy Ltd. operating spaces.
  • Legal action can and will be taken against any member who seriously injures or abuses another member or causes through their own actions damage of property, loss of limb or loss of life.
  1. Complaints Procedure

In the event that a complaint needs to be made, there are two specific ways to do so. Any member is able and encouraged to lodge any complaint regarding the breach of any rule or expectation by any other member of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff. Complaints can also be made against spectators, venue staff and any/all concerns regarding safety must be made as soon as possible.

  • Minor complaints, defined as a small or mild breach of any rule or expectation should be made either in person or in writing to the owner/operator of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. If they are not immediately available, please direct the complaint towards the Co-Lead Instructors, who will then pass the complaint to the owner/operator to be heard and acted upon. Complaints made verbally should be made immediately to Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff so action can be taken right away.
  • Serious complaints, defined as major breaches of any rules or expectation must be made verbally and immediately to any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff in any case of risk of injury or threat of abuse/harassment etc. Should an incident occur and it is not immediately reported, it should be encouraged that all complaints be made in writing after the fact even if reported verbally in person, as to have a record and statement of the incident from the perspective of the one making the complaint. Serious complaints must be submitted in writing to the owner/operator to be heard and addressed.


  1. Company Roles

Saber Combat Academy Ltd. has operational staff and volunteers who operate under the instruction of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. Volunteers are not listed in this document.

  • Owner/Director/Head Instructor – Mr Kurtis Dyer
  • Instructor – Mr Rhys Elesmore
  • Instructor – Miss Tasanee Simpson
  • Instructor – Mr Max Darke
  1. Uniform and Dress Code

Saber Combat Academy Ltd. has a dress code and it is to be adhered to by all members unless prior permission has been given to alter the dress code to allow for an individual requirement. Such permissions should be discussed with the owner/operator of Saber Combat Academy Ltd.

  • Members are to be in suitable attire at the start of class, lessons will not wait for those who are getting changed and are not back within the operational space when class begins at the announced time.
  • Suitable uniform is considered to be:
  • White soled or mark-resistant, flat trainers that can be tied or strapped securely in place.
  • No boots of any type, with the exception of flat boxing boots or fencing boots.
  • No rubber footwear such as Crocs or flip-flops.
  • No open toed shoes.
  • No steel-toe, or other reinforcements.
  • Trousers or shorts are permitted, they must be light, breathable and stretchy enough to allow for a range of movement beyond normal walking and squatting.
  • No denim jeans, thick ‘cargo’ style trousers/shorts or long, below knee skirts.
  • Skirts that sit above the base of the knee joint are permitted, with the inclusion of shorts underneath. This includes ‘skorts’ and tennis skirts with built in shorts.
  • Tops should be a Saber Combat Academy Ltd. club shirt with your name on the reverse.
  • In the event of not having a Saber Combat Academy Ltd. club shirt, a simple t-shirt is permitted.
  • Members are permitted to wear sleeveless-style tops.
  • No long-sleeve tops during summer months.
  • No outer jackets, jumpers, hoodies or sweatshirts to be worn during class during summer months.
  • No hats, beanies etc. to be worn during class. With the exception of religious or national dress.
  • No jewellery is to be worn during class. With the exception of wedding bands and medical alert items.
    • Long hair is to be tied up and kept tied up during classes.
    • Saber Combat Academy Ltd. understand that some piercings cannot be removed, but in the case where a large piece of jewellery cannot be reasonably removed it should be covered with medical tape to avoid potential injury.
    • Glasses should be fixed to the face with a sport-strap.
    • No inflammatory or inappropriate slogans, designs or pictures are allowed to be displayed. It is the discretion of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff to decide what is and is not appropriate.
    • Tattoos and other body modifications are allowed in all Saber Combat Academy Ltd. operational spaces on the understanding that no nudity or offensive imagery is displayed in the designs. In the example of a ‘pin-up’ style tattoo, Saber Combat Academy Ltd. requires that the depicted nudity be covered by medical tape or a dressing.
    • Appropriate make up is permitted.
    • Accessories or adornments that add metal masses to any item of clothing are not allowed. This includes but is not limited to spikes, studs, large buckles, straps, rivets, eyelets and chunky zips or buttons. Please avoid wearing any unnecessary accessories on arrival to any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. space as it will be asked to be removed.
    • Saber Combat Academy Ltd. takes no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property in any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. operational space. Any additional outer garments or clothing removed by any member are their personal responsibility and should be placed in a visible and safe location within the operational space.
    • Failure to follow the expected uniform and dress code may result in members being refused taking part in the activities of that operational space.
    • Hearing aids and other medically required items are permitted but should be drawn to the attention of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff prior to class beginning.
  • No Headphones/Ear Buds to be worn during classes.
  1. Personal Health and Hygiene

Saber Combat Academy Ltd. insists that all staff and members attend lessons clean and ready to take part. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that their clothing is clean and that they have washed prior to class to avoid unpleasant odours. Saber Combat Academy Ltd. understand that this is a physical, exercise-based environment and that can affect individual body odour, however it is not permissible that individuals arrive to class in an unhygienic state.

  • In the event of not being able to wash prior to class, members are asked to bring a deodorant with them for use in the changing rooms/toilet facilities available for the benefit of those around them.
  • Any and all health issues that directly impact the ability to perform during any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. class must be bought to the attention of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff so that accommodations can be made if necessary.
  • Members must be in a fit state to take part in classes; the consumption of drugs and alcohol prior to or during class is absolutely prohibited. Any suspicion that a member is under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be acted upon and they will be removed immediately and such an incident will be treated as a serious breach of the rules and expectations and will be dealt with accordingly.
  • In the event of a member needing to take medication that has a significant impact on their reactions, co-ordination or control, they will be asked to provide an assessment for their ability to continue attendance while on that medication. Please be aware that this also applies to ‘as needed’ medication for anxiety, for example.
  • If any member suspects any other member of being under the influence of any drugs or alcohol, it is to be reported to Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff immediately.
  • If any member is feeling unwell prior to class beginning, they are politely asked to not attend until they are well again to avoid spreading communicable viruses.
  • If any member becomes unwell during class, it is to be reported to Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff immediately and the individual is politely asked to leave the operational space and return again once they are well.
  • If any member has an injury prior to class, the ability to take part will be assessed by Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff and if able, the member will be allowed to take part under the understanding that their injury may be compromised by the activities of the class and that the liability of such an occurrence rests with them and not Saber Combat Academy Ltd.
  • If any member is pregnant, they are asked to not attend as Saber Combat Academy Ltd. will not risk pregnancy related issues with contact and injury that can be caused during classes.
  1. Payments and Paid Memberships

Payments must be made before class begins. Admittance to class will be refused until payment is made.

  • Payments can be made either with cash before class begins, or electronically before class begins.
  • Members found to be attending without having paid repeatedly will be barred from attending and any owed fees will be recovered legally.
  • Saber Combat Academy Ltd. reserves the right to waive any refund once class begins.
  • Paid Memberships are available via the third party website JoinIt, wherein students may purchase a monthly recurring membership to continue their attendance at class without the requirement to pay weekly.
  • Paid memberships are recurring and will be registered as close to the 1st of the month. Saber Combat Academy Ltd. reserve the right to alter payment dates to the 1st of the following month without notice.
  • Paid memberships are non-refundable under any circumstances where the student holding the membership is unable to attend classes that month. It is the student’s responsibility to manage their finances.
  • Paid memberships may be adjusted by Saber Combat Academy Ltd. to reflect cancelled classes for the following month. Adjustments will not be made if cancellations have been listed at least 72 hours ahead of the cancelled class, or in the event of extreme weather or illness. Adjustments will be made for cancellations made within 12 hours of a class’s listed start time, with the exception to the above notes.
  • Prices for monthly memberships may raise in line with inflation, but with a notice period of two months prior to the rise coming into place.
  • Saber Combat Academy Ltd. refuses to offer ‘credit’ or ‘IOU’ for classes.
  • Missed payments, refusal to pay or owed payments will be dealt with legally.
  1. Bookings

New members are encouraged to book ahead of time to ensure that they have access to a class lightsaber. Bookings are limited to the number of currently operational lightsabers owned by Saber Combat Academy Ltd. To book, new members should make contact with Saber Combat Academy Ltd. via social media, email or telephone at least two hours before the class they plan to attend begins.

  • Saber Combat Academy Ltd. reserves the right to refuse bookings in the event of a full class.
  • Bookings must be made at least two hours before that class begins and must be paid for at the time of booking.
  • In the event of a booking being made and paid for and then cancelled, no refund shall be given if no notice of cancellation is received. Should a notice of cancellation be given within 24 hours of the booking, no refund will be given.
  • Notice of cancellation must be given at least 24 hours in advance of the booked class. In the event of a cancellation made over 24 hours before the booked class, a refund of 50% shall be given.
  • In the event of a pre-booked class being cancelled by Saber Combat Academy Ltd. the option for a full refund or transference to another class will be given within seven days of the cancelled class.
  1. Cancellations of Classes

Saber Combat Academy Ltd. currently rely on external venues to host their classes, and as such are not fully able to control the bookings of those spaces. For the most part, Saber Combat Academy Ltd. have a solid calendar and are operational every week of the year with the exception of some national holidays. However, venues are subject to change and cancellations do happen. In the event of any cancellation, Saber Combat Academy Ltd. will post the update as far in advance as possible to allow for members to adjust their schedules.

  • In the event of a cancellation being given by the venue without prior notice, Saber Combat Academy Ltd. will post publicly on as many Saber Combat Academy Ltd. media platforms as possible to ensure the message is spread. Saber Combat Academy Ltd. ask members to pass on the message and share social media statuses to further spread the information.
  • If a cancellation is given in advance, an alternative venue will be sourced to cover that class and will be posted on as many Saber Combat Academy Ltd. media platforms as possible.
  • If an alternative venue cannot be found, Saber Combat Academy Ltd. will post the cancellation on as many social media platforms as possible.
  1. Safety and Protective Gear

Saber Combat Academy Ltd. have put in place the requirement to wear certain pieces of mandatory protective equipment. The use of these items is for the protection of the individual only and serves to only improve safety during lessons.

  • Members must wear protective eye goggles, be these clear plastic, tempered glass of metal mesh, during classes when combat is to be expected; such as during drills, games and competition.
  • Members must wear protective gloves at all times when in the operating space. The gloves must have a knuckle guard and be full fingered to achieve maximum protection.
  • Members under the age of 16 must wear both eye and protection during classes. No exceptions.
  • If equipment needs to be adjusted during combat, the individual will call attention to any and all opponents before stopping the fight and removing themselves from the combat space before fixing their equipment.
  • Use of metal fencing masks is allowed in all Saber Combat Academy Ltd. operating spaces unless otherwise instructed.
  • Use of full body armour is permitted, but not mandatory. Full body armour must be either plastic or fabric based. However use of metal armour is permitted, if no metal is visible under a covering of thick fabric or leather.
  • It is recommended but not mandatory that members wear a protective ‘box’ and chest protection.
  1. Expectations Before Classes

Members are expected to behave according to the following instructions before attending any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. operating space for a class. These expectations have been compiled to best adhere to the instructions given by the hired venues and to maintain a safe and welcoming environment.

  • Members are to arrive at least five minutes before the posted start time of the class they are attending, allowing enough time to change into their uniform if needed and to make sure their gear is in working order before entering the space.
  • Members are to remain outside of the operating space until invited in by Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff. This could be due to the need to move apparatus or finishing up with a different training group. If you are unsure, please ask any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff before entering fully.
  • While waiting to be invited into the operating space, members are to behave in a manner that upholds the reputation of Saber Combat Academy Ltd. by waiting quietly and being respectful of any other visitors to the venue in use.
  • Members are responsible for their own equipment and while Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff will safety check and offer advice on issues, it is up to the members themselves to charge and maintain their lightsabers and protective gear.
  • Cash and/or alternative methods of payment must be sorted before the lesson begins.
  • It is recommended that all members use the facilities provided at the venue to refill their drinks bottles before class. It is also recommended that all members use the rest-rooms before class begins, to ensure minimal disruption during classes.
  • Members are to bring their own lightsaber to classes and it is expected that the blade and hilt be covered by a fabric or hard case for transport according to the UK Offensive Weapons Act.
  • Parking at venues is usually off-road and secure, but members must adhere to the posted rules regarding the parking spaces and understand that Saber Combat Academy Ltd. accept no liability for any loss of damage to property left in the parking areas.
  1. Expectations During Classes

Members are to behave according to the following rules during classes and while attending any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. operating space. These expectations have been compiled to best adhere to the instructions given by the hired venues and to maintain a safe and welcoming environment.

  • Members are to remain vigilant and aware of the dangers of stunt and performance combat, maintaining a communal effort to ensure the safety of those around you during classes.
  • Members are to follow every reasonable instruction given by any Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff during classes and to respect the authority of their position as members of the Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff.
  • During classes, members are to moderate their language and behaviour to suit a mixed age environment. Extreme language is not tolerated and will be treated as a breach of these rules and dealt with as a serious issue.
  • Members are to keep their lightsabers held with the blade facing downwards at all times.
  • Members are not to engage in combat outside of drills and games, unless given explicit instructions to do so by a Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff member.
  • Members are to refrain from performing orbits and flow outside of games, drills and expected combat situations.
  • Saber Combat Academy Ltd.’s lightsabers are not to be touched without permission from Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff.
  • Lightsabers, protective equipment and all other personal items are to be treated with respect and are not to be touched by anyone but the owner.
  • Members are to avoid striking the floor, walls, windows, doors and any other furnishings in the operating space.
  • Members are to return any borrowed Saber Combat Academy Ltd. equipment at the end of class immediately.
  • Members are to maintain a sense of community and welcoming to all in the space.
  • Members are to approach combat with full awareness of the risk they are taking and should be wearing all required protective equipment before entering combat.
  • Members are to look after each other throughout the classes, including during drills and particularly during competitive games. The value of your fellow members vastly outweighs the value of winning a game. Keep everyone safe at all times.
  • Use of ‘Exotic Weapons’ must be cleared with an instructor each and every time the weapon is to be deployed in classes. The instructors hold final say over what is permitted to be used in class.
  1. General Notes

While this is a carefully compiled document, it is possible that some factors have been missed or are not written down fully. It is therefore prudent to suggest that all members and Saber Combat Academy Ltd. staff are to use common sense in all operating spaces to further fill out the implied expectations of the space. As a proud safe space, Saber Combat Academy Ltd. implore all members to uphold that mentality and maintain a welcoming and safe environment for anyone who wishes to explore stunt and performance-based combat with Saber Combat Academy Ltd.

Last updated May 2024 – Kurtis Dyer / Director of Saber Combat Academy Ltd.

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